Nakon duže pauze i tri posta sa putovanja (ovde možete pogledati poslednji) na red je konačno došao i outfit post. Leto je već tu, a po meni, haljinice su najbolji izbor. Pored kroja, ova me je osvojila i svojim fenomenalnim printom. Iako sam prvobitno uy haljinu želela da kombinujem teksas jaknu, ovaj sako dugo nisam nosila, i celoj kombinaciji je dao poseban šarm. Molim vas da pogledate ovaj post i učestvujete u pomoći ugroženim domaćinstvima od poplava.
After a long pause, and three travel posts on my blog (here you can see the latest) here’s one outfit post, finally. Summer is already here, and in my opinion, dresses are the best choice. This one has lovely print and trendy, interesting cut. I think it’s superb! Although I originally wanted to combine the dress with denim jacket, I took this blazer and I think it gave a special charm to the outfit. Please look at this post and take part in helping vulnerable Balkan households that were destroyed in the floods.
I was wearing:
dress: FrontShop
shoes: Stradivarius
bag: Dior
blazer: Zara
bracelets: Banggkok haul
Chic i zenstveni look! Jako mi se dopadaju tvoje naocale a haljina je preslatka 🙂
nice dress!:)