Ovo je i poslednji post iz predivne Švajcarske. Kako sam putovala u petak, odmah posle posla, moje pakovanje je bilo na brzinu, ali trudila sam se da ponesem udobne stvari u kojima ću uživati. Tregerice sa šorcem jako volim i bile su odlične za šetnju po toplom danu i razgledanje botaničke bašte u Lozani. Inače, Lozana i cela Švajcarska su me posebno impresionirale svojim zelenilom i precizni uređenim površinama.
This is the last post from beautiful Switzerland. As I was traveling there on Friday, right after work, I had to pack for the trip in a hurry, but I tried to bring comfortable things. I like Overolls very much and they are great for walking on a hot day and enjoying botanical garden – Jardin botanique de Lausanne. Beautiful Lausanne and the whole Switzerland impressed me with all the greenery and precisely regulated areas.
I was wearing:
Overalls: Pimkie
Shoes: no name
Bag: Oasap
Sunglasses: Ray Ban
Ms Jelena says
Cute outfit! Really loving your shoes! xx
Ms Jelena xx
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