Juče je bio predivan sunčan dan i iskoristila sam ga za fotkanje opuštenog outfita. Iako ne mogu da dočekam bose noge i prolećne outfite, teksas na teksas je kombinacija koju uvek rado biram i nosim. Ovoga puta u glavnoj ulozi je tamniji teksas, idealan za zimske outfite, u kombinaciji sa mojim omiljenim kaputićem. Uživajte u vikendu!
Hello guys and dolls! Yesterday was a beautiful sunny day here in Belgrade, and and I used it for photographing this cozy denim outfit. While I can not wait to wear bare feet and spring outfits, denim on denim is a combination that I always gladly choose to wear. This time I picked a darker denim, ideal for winter outfits, and combined with my favorite winter coat. Enjoy the weekend!
I was wearing:
shirt: New Look
jeans: Lui Jo
coat: Sheinside
chain necklace: Пierre
boots: Stradivarius
bag: Parfois
rings: H&M
Outfit je odlican! Denim on denim je jako rizicna kombinacija jer s najmanjim krivim detaljem moze izgledati katastrofa, ali ovaj outfit je za 5+ 🙂
Absolutely amazing Absolutely amazing