Moj treći dan u Havani bio je jako uzbudljiv i zanimljiv. Prvo smo se iz starog dela Havane (koji je najbolji za turiste, i preporučujem da budete smešteni u tom delu) krenuli ka centralnoj Havani.
Šetajući okolo može se shvatiti zašto se Havana nekada smatra gradom spomenika. Na skoro svakoj zgradi nalazi se statua korintskog, dorskog ili jonskog stila.
My third day in Havana was very exciting and interesting. First, we went from Old Havana (Spanish: La Habana Vieja) – which is the best for tourists, and I recommend to turists to be placed in that area, to Central Havana. Along with Habana Vieja, Centro Habana is the most populated and overcrowded part of the city. It is a tumbledown residential / commercial area, the city’s main shopping street, Calle San Rafael, traverses it from the Parque Central westwards. The large Partagas tobacco factory, directly behind the Capitolio, is the biggest export factory in the country, with 200 rollers turning out 5 million cigars a year.Walking around this area you understand why Havana is sometimes referred to as a City of Columns; almost every buildings displays either one or a mixture of the Corinthian, Doric or Ionic types of this structure.
Kada smo iz Centralne Havane linijskim taksijem otišli u Vedado, imala sam osećaj da smo otišli u neki drugi grad, a ne da smo još uvek u Havani. Vedado je po meni možda i najlepši deo Havane, i nalazi se između Miramara i Malecona. Sastoji se od divnih rezidencija, kuća i vila, i iako se Miramar smatra za najluksuzniji deo Havane, Vedado mi se više svideo. Posetili smo hotele Havana Libre i National (sa prelepim pogledom na more i Malecón), i oba su, između ostalog, poznata po fenomenalnim koktelima.
From the Central Havana we went to Vedado by line (local) taxi, I had the feeling that we went to another city, not that we are still in Havana. Vedado is for me perhaps the most beautiful part of Havana, and is located between the Miramar and the Malecon. It consists of beautiful residences, houses and villas, and although Miramar is considered the most luxurious part of Havana’s, if you ask me, Vedado’s more pretty. We visited the hotel Havana Libre and National (with great sea and the Malecón view), and both are, among other things, known for superb cocktails.
Vedado (Spanish: El Vedado, Spanish pronunciation: [el βeˈðaðo]) is the downtown and a vibrant neighborhood in the city of Havana, Cuba. Bordered on the east by Central Havana, and on the west by the Miramar /Playa district. Vedado is the most modern part of the city, developed in the first half of the 20th century, during the Republic period. The main street running east to west is Calle 23, also known as “La Rampa”. The northern edge of the district is the waterfront seawall known as the Malecón, a famous and popular place for social gatherings in the city. Vedado is a ward (consejo popular) of the municipality Plaza de la Revolución.
I was wearing:
hat: H&M
floral skirt: Zara
gladiator sandals: Bershka
t-shirt: Stradivarius
sunnies: Mango
bag, bracelets: H&M
necklace: Primark
The Malecón (officially Avenida de Maceo) is a broad esplanade, roadway and seawall which stretches for 8 km (5 miles) along the coast in Havana, Cuba,[1] from the mouth of Havana Harbor in Old Havana, along the north side of the Centro Habananeighborhood, ending in the Vedado neighborhood. New businesses are appearing on the esplanade due to economic reforms in Cuba that now allow Cubans to own private businesses.
See my first video from Cuba:
wow! there is great!