Počeo je nov mesec, i vreme je za instagram post, koji će ovoga puta biti isključivo posvećen Kubi. Kuba je jedna prelepa i neverovatna zemlja, a o njenoj raznolikosti najviše govore i ove fotke, uslikane mobilnim telefonom. Vežite se, polećemo, i idemo u instant putovanje u jednu od najlepših zemalja na svetu…
Hello June! It’s time for Cuba Instagram Post! Cuba is a beautiful and amazing country, diversed and interesting, and the best way to see that in one post is by looking at all of diferent photos made my iPhone. Buckle up, here we go, instant trip to one of the most beautiful countries in the world …
First stop Havana, Cuba…
coconut icecream…
La Bodeguita del Medio famous Mojitos
graffiti, One and only Ernesto “Che” Guevara
Music and cocktails in Havana
Beautiful Habana Vieja
Cocktails in Hotel Havana Libre.
Detail from house in Old Havana
Historic hotel in Havana, Nacional De Cuba
Lace dress outfit for hot day in Havana
Lobster beach lunch
Best beach in Havana, Playas de Este
Pool, Iberostar Hotels & Resorts
Cuba momets
Saratoga Hotel, Havana, Cuba.
Next stop, lovely Trinidad
TriniDAD Horse Riding
Playa Ancon, Trinidad, Cuba
Next stop, Varadero
Next stop Cayo Largo
Paradise Beach, Cayo Largo, Cuba
Yoga time
Chill time
Gotta love this place, Sol Cayo Largo Hotel
dolphins at Cayo Largo
Back to VaraDERO
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