Haljine u stilu 70-ih veliki su hit ove sezone a meni najlepše izgledaju uz čizme iznad kolena. Volim ovu kombinaciju boja na haljini, crvena se odlično uklapa uz crnu i sivu.
70’s Inspired Fashion and dresses are hit of this season and I think that the best way to wear this kind of dresses is with over the knee boots.
I love this color block color combination on the dress, red fits perfectly with the black and gray.
I was wearing:
boots: River Island
dress, bag: Zara
coat: vintage
Anastasija Milojevic
Sviđa mi se haljinica jer ima mogućnost da se iskombinuje uz više boja, a čizme su predobre! 🙂
Extraaa!! slatkica siii Stasice! 🙂
I think the red and black color block dresses look the best. So modern!
I just wrote about this summer style too: http://beautifulcheap.blogspot.com/2015/04/the-color-block-dress-hottest-summer.html