Još jedan travel post, ovoga puta vas vodim u divnu Italiju i grad Napulj. Očarao me je svojom lepotom i mestima za videti, svakako je mnogo više nego što sam očekivala. Napulj je širom sveta poznat po nizu posebnosti: obližnjem vulkanu Vezuvu i drevnoj Pompeji, po starom istorijskom jezgru (danas pod zaštitom UNESKOa), kulinarskom specijalitetu pici, kao i po napolitanskoj kriminalnoj organizaciji Kamori.
Od Rima sam brzim vozom stigla do Napulja, razgledala njegove slatke ulice i radnjice, galeriju Umberto, gradsku katedralu i prelepi trg plebiscita sa Crkvom Franje Paulijanskog. A nakon toga sam se prošetala prema moru – zalivu i tvrđavi. Probala sam čuvenu napuljsku picu, dobila sam je u obliku srca.
One more travel and outfit post, this time I am taking you to beautiful Naples, Italy. So charming city, with beautiful places to see, certainly much more than I expected. Naples is known worldwide by a number of special features: the nearby volcano Vesuvius, ancient Pompeii, the ancient historical center (now under the protection of UNESCO), culinary specialty pizzas, as well as Napoletan criminal organization, the Camorra.
From Rome I took the fast train to Naples. I loved the cute streets and small shops, gallery Umberto, the Piazza del Plebiscito, one of Naples’ largest public squares. I took a walk to the sea bay and the castle. I tried the famous Neapolitan pizza, I got a heart-shaped one. This is certainly a city that should be visited!
Behind me you can see The Palazzo Capodimonte, home of the National Museum of Capodimonte.
The Piazza del Plebiscito, one of Naples’ largest public squares.
I was wearing (simple and comfy travel outfit):
necklace, denim jacket: H&M
skirt: Zara
sandals: Bershka
t-skirt: Bangkok haul
sunnies, bag: Stradivarius
Historic Centre of Naples
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