U ovom postu predstavljam vam hronoloski moj put u Ameriku, i najdragocenije memente koje sam provela tamo.
In this post I will chronologicaly present to you my trip to America, and the most precious moments that I spent there.
Moja američka avantura počela je u avionu…
Where It All Began (the plane)…:)
A onda me je dočekao i Starbucks i fenomenalni novi ukus Chestnut preline! Yummy!!
Moja draga i prelepa Jelena Seležan (ex Žeželj) bila je fenomenalni domaćin, a možete je videti i u videima ovde i ovde.
And here is my dear friend Jelena, she is actually famous Serbian television personality and journalist. 🙂
Ovo je bio moj outfit za novogodišnju noć, smoking – haljina:
And this was my new year’s Eve outfit, the tux dress by Stasha Fashion:
And here’s me in Fashion Valley, famous and lovely mall in San Diego, I love this Christmas tree:
How cute is Dylans Candy Bar?
My love and I, Coronado Beach, San Diego, 01.01.2015
I love this turtleneck dress:
Lovely Ironside Fish & Oyster restaurant, hello 2015!!
And here comes the haul:
Oscar de la Renta Sleepwear, pyjama set:
Calvin Klein panties:
The Beach in La Jolla, the sunset
christmas decorations:
Solana Beach, California
Tea, the cutest girl, I adore her:
Now let’s go to the Orange County, here comes the sun & pool!
hammock hilling in OrangeCounty
The Deck Restaurant at Pacific Edge Hotel
Petra and me, how cute is she? I must say that the Grba family is the best family ever!:)
Place to be! Laguna beach has the best sunset ever!
Los Angeles get ready for me 🙂
Pershing Square – Downtown Los Angeles
Rooftop, The Standard, Downtown LA
Hollywood Walk of Fame, Marilyn Monroe star
Hollywood Walk of Fame and the Frank Sinatra star
Hollywood Walk of Fame, Elizabeth Taylor star
Great Park Orange County. Palm Trees everywhere! Beautiful California
Rodeo Drive Beverly Hills
Irvine Spectrum Center and the Giant Wheel
Irvine Spectrum Center and the Giant Wheel
Best cheesecake, The Cheesecake Factory, Oreo chessecake 🙂
chocolate Fortune Cookie
Colorful surfboars
The Hearst Castle, La Casa Grande
Hello San Francisco, the Golden Gate
San Francisco Botanical Garden
North Beach, San Francisco
San Francisco Chinatown Dragon Gate
That’s all folks
Bila si u candy bar! Obozavam tu prodamnicu, u NYC zivim 2 bloka od te prodamnice i ne bi prezivjela a da ne kupim neke bombone svaki put kada prolazim… anyway, slike su super. 🙂
Hvala ti puno!!❤️