Za slikanje je uvek poželjno pronaći i novo mesto, po mogućstvu ono koje će se uklapati i još bolje istaći odevnu kombinaciju. Mogu to sada nazvati anegdotom, ali mi nije bilo ni malo prijatno kada sam imala posla sa policijom jer sam se ne znajući, slikala u blizini njihovog poseda. Pa neka mi neko kaže da je biti bloger lako… 🙂
Da pređem na outfit, bordo boja preovlađuje u detaljima, a pored nje, crnu razbija i šarena suknja. Šešire jako volim da nosim, a ovaj bordo mi je među omiljenima.
Hello guys and dolls. Here is one outfit that I will always remember. It is always important to find a new place for outfit photos, and, preferably one that will even better highlight your outfit. I can now call it an anecdote, but wasn’t comfortable at all when I had to deal with the police because I was unknowingly photographed near their property. It’s not easy to be a blogger … 🙂
Burgundy is dominant color in this outfit, I just love in the details in that color. Also, the colors on this skirt are quite interesting, and they give me a lot of inspiration for combining outfit colors. I really like to wear hats, and this burgundy is my favorite.
I was wearing:
skirt: H&M
bag: Parfois
booties: Primark
jacket: Mango
shirt: Primark
Uvijek volim dodatke u burgundy boji! Super je i suknja:)
Bas si lijepa! Odlican boho outfit!
Jako lepo, cipele su predivne!
prekrasno mi je to 🙂
krasna kombinacija 🙂
prekrasna kombinacija
Suknja mi je odlicna:) I sesir ti super stoji 🙂