U današnjem outfit postu tu su nešto drugačije fotografije zahvaljujući SAE Institutu, iz studia, a outfit je svečaniji, idealan za novogodišnju, rođendansku ili neku sličnu proslavu. Kada su koža, ili u slučaju haljine koju nosim u ovom postu – lažna koža – u pitanju, postoji par saveta koje bih vam dala.
Koža ne mora biti isključivo u crnoj boji. Haljina od lažne kože u zagasito zelenoj varijanti izgleda elegantno i misteriozno. Drugi savet je da, pošto je nošenje odevnih komada od kože postao trend (pored standardnih jakni popularne su i haljine, bluze, pantalone od kože) puno ovakvih odevnih predmeta dostupno je i u imatacijama kože koji izgledaju potpuno uverljivo a i dosta su jeftiniji (da ne pričam o tome da se na taj način i štite nedužne životinje! I kad sam već kod toga, želim da napomenem da u ovom postu nosim pravo krzno ali samo zato što mi je poklonjeno, inače ga nikada ne bih sama kupila).
Ovakvu haljinu možete i iskoristiti u jesenjim kombinacijama tako što ćete je nositi uz kraće čizme, džemper i kaput, na primer, tako da nudi puno mogućnosti za kombinovanje. Kada nosite kožnu upečatljivu haljinu, zabavite se sa aksesoarima, izaberite upadljive cipele visoke štikle i zanimljiv nakit. Miksujte materijale, kombinujte ovakvu haljinu sa obućom od prevrnute kože. Ja sam se odlučila za veće minđuše i narukvicu sa kristalima.
In today’s outfit there are slightly different photos, from the studio, which are mainly black and white, in an elegant style. Outfits like this one you can wear for the New Year, a birthday or a similar celebration. When you are wearing leather or faux leather, there are a few tips that I would like to share.
The leather doesn’t have to be exclusively in black. Dark green faux leather dress looks elegant and mysterious. Another tip is that since wearing leather pieces became a trend (in addition to jackets, pants and skirts, dresses and blouses are popular too) you can find many of these garment made from faux leather that look completely as the real thing and are much cheaper (not to mention that in this way they protect innocent animals! And while I’m at it, I want to mention that in this post I am wearing real fur, but only because it was given to me, otherwise, I would never have bought it by myself).
A dress like this one, with the unique reversible design that has edgy style, you can mix with other fall clothes and make cute autumn outfits. The key is to have fun with the look, and yet to remain a fashion DO.
For example, wear it with sweater, coat and booties, it is so versatile.
When you wear statement piece like a faux leather dress, have fun with accessories, select the striking high heels and interesting jewelry.
Mix materials, wear it with suede shoes. I decided to wear oversized earrings and bracelet with crystals.
I was wearing:
dress, heels: Zara
fur: Yves Salomon accessories
bracelet: Swarovski
earrings: H&M
Behind the scenes
Anastasija Milojevic
izgledas fantasticno u ovoh haljinici, a cipele su savrseneeee… kisses
Odlicne fotke :)) ti si divna kao i obično!!!!