Hladni zimski dan odlično je provesti u dužem toplom džemperu, a umesto kape odlično greje i vuneni šešir. Zimi obožavam da nosim kožne pantalone, ove nosim već godinama, ne obazirući se puno na trend (evo i posta pre skoro 2 godine). Marame sa leopard printom su uvek odličan izbor, a ja ih rado nosim i zimi umesto šalova.
Longer warm sweater is greatto wear for these cold winter days, woolen hat alsomakes you worm and chic. I love wearing leather pants during winter, I wear this ones for years, unrelated to thetrend (here’s the post from almost 2 years ago). Leopard printed scarves are always a great choice, and what keeps you warm during the winter?
I was wearing:
sweater: Zara
hat: London street market
scarf: Stradivarius
pants: Fendi vintage
shoes: F21
bag: Sonia Rykiel
sweater: Zara
hat: London street market
scarf: Stradivarius
pants: Fendi vintage
shoes: F21
bag: Sonia Rykiel
Super je ovaj post, svida mi se!
Super look1
Divan šešir, svidja mi se outfit :*
super! odlicno ti stoje te farbe!
Moj omiljeni post do sada.
Leo marame su mi omiljene! Super dzemper!
Svidja mi se kombinacija:)
Super izgledas. Sesir mi se mnogo dopada.
divna kombinacija,sesiric mi je presladak!
Divne fotke, lajk za pantalone 🙂
super su mi fotke… outfit je super i mnogo mi se svidja kako nosis sesir…:)
Followed back darlin, 912!
Love your blog and you style too, you are sooooo pretty! 🙂
Super!! Jako lepa kombinacija 😉
Šešir <3
Lepa kombinacija 🙂 bas mi se svidja!
Reci mi da li imas radnju u Uscu?
Koje prodavnice u uscu svakako treba obici? Gde mogu da se nadju najbolji dzemperi i farmerke? Nisam iz Beograda zato pitam, pa ako devojke znaju neka pisu.. 🙂
Pa zavisi sta te zanima, ali uglavnom to su Zara, Mango, Aldo, New Yorker, Cotton, Fashion and Friends (imas sada popuste tamo), Stradivarius, Bershka…
I jel je mnogo skupo?:)
Pa sad su snizenja pa i nije puno. Ko je Avramovicka mala?:):)
Great style Dear <3 ! thank You so much and of course followed back 🙂
Hello dear, thanks for visiting my blog ! I love your style too, just followed you back 🙂
svidja mi se sesir
Godina i jedan mesec nikako ne moze da bude skore dve godine 🙂
Love your outfit…you have a great style.*_*
Maybe follow each other on BLOGLOVIN and GFC???
My Blog
Love the scarf!! Visit http://www.urbanfashionstylee.blogspot.mx and check my new post!!
wow! Such a great pictures;)This is soooo inspirational:) I’ve been visiting your blog since few weeks,
I really like it, and now I’m follow you;))
love your leather pants.
following you now!!
vec sam lupila srce na instagramu
ali moram i ovde da se prijavim 🙂 skroz si mi stajlis :*
buuua progutao mi bloger komentar
htedoh reci da si mi bas stajlis tu :*
Great outfit, love you scarf and shoes! 🙂 x
Super šešir!
predivna, pantalone i cizmice su fenomenalne!
I really like it this time
you are gorgeous…love the outfit!
maybe you would like to follow each other?
Mnogo lepa zimska kombinacija! :* ♥
love your whole outfit! and the shoes are amazing!
maybe we can follow each other? let me know :]
xx Ayesha
Love the photos! Super chic 🙂
Odlicno!!! 🙂
Hi dear, I love the chic styling in your incredible outfit, the hat is so charming, follow you too 🙂
love it! awesome blog! now I follow u
I love everything about this outfit- especially the scarf!
Thanks so much for checking out my blog. I’m subscribing too; I love your pictures and posts!
A beauty in leather pants. Great! 😉
Sve je savrseno :)! Mozes li da mi kazes gde si kupila kozne pantalone ili znas li gde imaju da se kupe sada ?
Hvala puno
Hvala, ove pantalone sam kupila u Svajcarskoj pre dosta vremena, ima mozda cak i 9 god (sto je dokaz da treba investirati u kvalitetne stvari). Ne znam gde sada mogu da se nadju, ali ja sam ih prepravljala kod kozara pa verujem da mozes i da ih sasijes.