Za popodnevnu kafu sa drugaricom opredelila sam se za crno bež kombinaciju i omiljene čizme. Ovakve kombinacije najbolje opisuju moj stil koji je više elegantan nego sportski, a opet udoban za svakodnevnu jurnjavu po gradu. Jakne obožavam i one su mi jedna od najvećih slabosti kada je šoping u pitanju, pa zato nisam mogla da odolim ni ovoj, koju sam nedavno kupila u Londonu.
For afternoon coffee with a friend I decided to wear black and beige outfit with my favorite boots. This outfit describes the best my style, that is more elegant than sporty, yet comfortable for everyday tasks and rush around town. I love jackets and they are one of the biggest weaknesses when it comes to shopping, so I couldn’t resist this one, which I recently bought in London.
And if you want to dress for less and look amazing, check out this site and be the queen in every occasion.
Fantasticne cizme i jakna!
Super kombinacija! Odakle je torba, divna je? 🙂
Love your outfit x
Heather | Of Beauty & Nothingness
Joj, te cizmice su perilijepe, bas mi se svidjaju!!! 🙂
love your style. Check out my blog ! I live in sweden but I am currently from Serbia, traveling around the world . Check it out..