U prethodnom postu imali ste prilike da vidite odabrane fotografije sa divnog fotografisanja zanimljive tematike. U ovo postu su tu fotografije sa telefona, gde se vidi koliko nam je bilo zabavno, ali i par neobjavljenih fotki sa photoshooting-a. Biti neobičan ali u isto vreme romantičan je po meni savršen spoj, posebno za venčanje ili neku drugu svečanu priliku. Zato je za posebne prilike dobro opredeliti se za provereno, kada su frizura i šminka u pitanju, ono što najviše volite i što vam najlepše stoji. Kada pričamo o haljini, prvenstveno izaberite onu u kojoj se udobno osećate i dodajte neuobičajne detalje poput bidermajera od kapkejksa i vrtoglavih potpetica u jarkoj boji. I žurka može da počne. 🙂
In a previous post you had the opportunity to see photos from wonderful photo shooting with a very interesting topic. In this post are the photos made with the cell phone where you can see how much fun we had, but also a few unreleased photos from a photo shoot. To be unusual but at the same time romantic to me is a perfect combination, especially for a wedding or other formal occasion. Therefore for special occasions you should have hair and makeup that suits you best and that you love. Like waves in hair and favorite colors on your eyes. When we talk about the dress, always choose the one in which you feel comfortable and add details like unusual cupcakes bouquet and high heels in bright colors. And the party can begin. 🙂
Once again, special thanks to:
cupcake bouquet: Hangri kapkejk
limo: Iznajmljivanje Limuzina –
hairdo: Aleksandar Orlovic
makeup: Nina Stojanovic – tel: 063/14 000 16
photos by:Pedja Vuckovic http://
Kosa ti je sad prelepa!