Bila sam oduševljena kada sam nedavno našla savršene bež sandale i jedva sam čekala da ih prošetam. Idealne i za elegantne ali i opuštenije kombinacije poput ove, nude sandale su obavezne u garderoberu svake žene, tj u cipelarniku. 🙂 Ove farmerice sam kupila sa namerom da ih iscepam i nosim tako, ali sam se na kraju predomislila. A što se tiče ove bluze, ona mi je definitivno omiljena ovoga leta.
I was thrilled when I recently found the perfect beige sandals and I couldn’t wait to wear them. Ideal for elegant and comfy stylish outfits like this one, nude sandals are key pieces every woman should have in her closet.:) I bought these jeans with the intention to tear them up and wear them all ripped, but I eventually changed my mind. As for the blouse, it is definitely a favorite one for this summer.
Was wearing:
jeans: Zara
shoes: Versace
blouse, bag, rings: H&M
necklaces: from Thailand
photos by Jovana
Anastasija Milojevic
Ja ovo zovem fantastican casual look!
Sandale su stvarno predivne!
ja sam zaljubljena u cipele !