I was very eager to share with you my big transformation, I returned to the blonde hair color! So I decided to skip a couple of prepared posts and instantly share with you new hair color! I am very happy, I hope that you like and change. I decided to do it mostlyt because of my wedding, that is coming realy soon!
Because of a foot injury could not wear heels, so I opted for this fabulous golden gladiator sandals, so comfortable, effective and elegant. You can order them here, at a very affordable price, and the same goes for the dress, which is located at this link. The dress is beautiful, I love the combination of navy and black, as well as cutouts at the waist, and although I prefer maxi dresses for the wedding attire, I decided for this short because I was very interesting.
Bila sam veoma nestrpljiva da sa vama podelim moju veliku promenu, vratila sam se u plavo! Tako da sam rešila da preskočim par spremljenih postova i odmah sa vama podelim novu boju kose! Malo je reći da sam prezadovoljna, nadam se da se i vama dopada promena na koju sam se rešila najviše i zbog mog venčanja, koje je veoma blizu!
Što se outfita tiče, zbog povrede stopala nisam mogla nositi štikle, tako da sam se opredelila za ove fenomenalne gladijatorke, tako udobne a u isto vreme efektne i upadljive. Možete ih poručiti ovde, po veoma pristupačnoj ceni, što važi i za haljinu koja se nalazi na ovom linku. Haljina mi je preslatka, volim kombinaciju teget i crne, kao i isečene delove na struku, i iako na venčanja najviše volim da nosim duge haljine, rešila sam se za ovu kratku jer mi je bila veoma interesantna.
I was wearing:
dress: Persunmall
clutch: Primark
gladiators: Sammydress
blonde hair thanks to Milica, Salon Belleze, Desanke Maksimović 3, tel: 069-22 52 013
photos by my doll Jovana
And hereis a photo from the wedding I was attending later:
Divna si Stasa. Gladijatorke su savrsenstvo. <3
predivna haljina
Gladiatorke izgledaju jeftino a haljina… Lepa ali nestoji bas najbolje.
Ne stoji se pise odvojeno. Pozdrav!