Tokom boravka na Tajlandu, obišla sam skoro sve plaže na Puketu. Jedna od njih je bila i Kata. Mesto Kata mi se posebno svidelo, jer za razliku od Bang Tao -a koje je nekako pusto (plaža je dugačka 6 km, i možete šetati 5 min a da nikog ne sretnete) ima ljudi a i lepo je noću, gradić ima divne restorane i radnjice. Patong je mesto gde turisti najviše odlaze kada je u pitanju Puket, ali tamo je prevelika gužva, kako na plažama, tako i uveče, pa ovo mesto svakako preporučujem.
During my stay in Thailand, I visited almost all beaches in Phuket. One of them was Kata. I especially like this place it because unlike Bang Tao that is kind of isolated (the beach is 6 km long, and you can walk 5 minutes and don’t meet anyone) here there is a lot of people and it’s nice at night, the town has wonderful restaurants and shops. Patong is where most tourists go when it comes to Phuket, but there‘s too crowded, and I recommend this place instead.
I recently ran into a great site that I would like to recommend. ThreadBright is a daily style site that brings together every new arrival from top indie shops into one place. It’s updated every single day, so you’re ensured the latest and freshest styles from the best fashion sites across the web.
What makes it so special?
ThreadBright is a one-stop shop for the busy girl. The site makes online shopping much more convenient. The site is a great way for people to be introduced to new brands. Shoppers can discern all the latest trends without having to navigate any further.
What type of styles does it feature?
ThreadBright showcases the latest and greatest buys. It includes popular shops such as Free People, Nasty Gal and Lulus.
My beachwear here includes:
sunnies: Miu Miu
bikini, bracelets earring: H&M
San snova!! Plaža, neočare , kupaći.. Sve na mestu :))
Suncane naocale su krasne i ti tako vesela izgledas. Bas lijepo za gledat. 🙂
Divota! Uzivancija, pa jos u ovako stylish izdanju – ne moze da bude lose 😉
bas si zgodna! 🙂
prelepo! pozz josui
Can’t wait for summer
Staso, ti si najzgodnija blogerka u Srbiji 🙂 Zaista ti se divim, linija ti je SAVRSENA! <3 Ljubim te :*
aaa kad si uzela kupaci? Jel ga ima još? 🙂
Uživancija 😀
Looking Awesome i love your smartness…………..
that is absolutely gorgeous!
What a perfect look i love it alot
Thank you nice article.
your next trip…Phuket is the best choice for you!!
I love here Surin Beach Hotel This hotel is very nice clean and the people are friendly. VERY nice hotel with helpful staff.
And I really love white sand, crystal clear waters at Surin Beach too.
Thank again.