Jako me raduje proleće, jer i pored brda obaveza i manjka vremena, dan je opet duži i uz sunce sve je lakše. Jedva sam čekala da sa vama podelim ove fotografije i ovaj crno beli outfit sa zlatnim detaljima. Klasične crno bele komade volim ukombinovati sa upečatljivim i neobičnim detaljima kao što su ove naočare za sunce sa zanimljivom dekoracijom, i narukvicom koja ide preko šake. Dobar beli sako je odlična investicija jer se može nositi cele godine i fenomenalan je za kombinovanje a pored toga je multifunkcionalan, obožavam takve komade odeće, a takva je i ova crna suknja. Upečatljiva torba ne mora da podrazumeva da ostatak outfita bude skroz jednostavan.
I am so happy spring is here, because despite many tasks and lack of time, the day is longer again and the sun makes it all easier. I couldn’t wait to share with you these photos and this black and white outfit with gold accents. I like to combine classic black and white pieces with a striking and unusual details such as these sunglasses with interesting decorations, and a handchain bracelet. Good white blazer is a great investment because it can be worn all year round and is phenomenal for combining and in’s multifunctional, I love pieces of clothing like this, and this black skirt also goes in this pattern. S triking bag doesn’t necessarily mean that the rest of the outfit needs to be totally simple.
Selfie 🙂
photos by> Aleksandar Carević
I was wearing:
skirt: Zara
bracelet: order via email anastasija.milojevic@yahoo.com
bag: Givenchy Medium Antigona Gold Bag
blazer: Zara
sunnies: Tar Mafia
Gde je kupljena torba? 🙂
koji ruz imas, divan je ?
Super izgledas, malo deblje noge, ali kad se gelda cela figura ok si.
Torba je prelepa! 🙂
Perfect girl
bu adrese de beklerim: http://www.trendbayan.net
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