Petak je dan za roze! Ova haljina je pravi dragulj, ne treba joj nakit zbog upečatljivih i zanimljivih dekoracija i detalja, ali i isečenih delova na struku. Volim zanimljive stvari kao što je ova, i rešila sam da je nosim uz plavu košulju od tekasa, oko struka, taj kontrast mi je bio jako zanimljiv.
Friday is a day for pink! I love wearing all pink everything! 🙂 This Rose Red Short Sleeve Bead Midriff dress is a real gem, I just adore striking and interesting decoration and details on it, but also the cut out sides on the dress are so cool . I love interesting peaces of clothes like this, and I decided to wear it with the blue denim shirt, around the waist, the contrast is very interesting.
I was wearing:
dress: Sheinside
sunnies: Miu Miu
shirt: Primark
shoes: Sole
♥♥ photos by my lovely girl Jovana ♥♥
Prekrasna, kao i uvijek!