Jako mi je drago što sam sačuvala jedan post iz Londona, ne mogu verovati da je prošlo već mesec dana od kako sam bila. Kada je šoping u pitanju, posebno su mi bile zanimljive New Bond i Old Bond ulice jer u njima nije tolika gužva kao u tržnim centrima ili popularnoj Oxford ulici, a ima fenomenalnih radnji. Delić atmosfere, kao idealan od najslađih simbola Londona, crvena govornica, našli su u ovom postu. A outfit je udoban, topao i idealan za šetnju i šoping po Londonu. nadam se da ću se brzo vratiti u ovaj prelepi grad.
I’m so glad I saved this one post from London for later, I can’t believe it’s been a month since I’ve been there. When it comes to shopping, I find New Bond Street and Old Bond especially interesting because it’s not crowded there like in big shopping malls or popular Oxford Street. In this post, I bring you part of lovely London streets atmosphere, one of the sweetest symbol of London red phone booth,and cozy outfit, comfortable, warm and ideal for walking and shopping in London. I hope I’ll soon be backin this beautiful city.
I was wearing:
bag: Michael Kors
scarf: Primark
sweater: Massimo Dutti
boots. Uggs
jacket: Sheinside
boyfriend jeans: Zara
Divne fotke! Sal i torba su odlicni!
Kul outfit 🙂
svidja mi se esarpa.
Bas je lep outfit.Svidja mi se <3