Ovi autoportreti su nastali nakon jednog lepog događaja o kome ću naknadno pisati, ali za tu priliku urađena mi je šminka i frizura kakvu nisam do sada nosila. Kada su oči u pitanju, pošto su moje krupne, ne volim previše da ih naglašavam, mada mi se ovaj izgled jako dopao.A što se kose tiče, definitivno glasam za lokne i volumen naspram slepljene ravne kose, tako da, ako već niste, obavezno probajte!
These self-portraits were created after one memorable event about which I will write later, but for the occasion I had kind of hairstyle and makeup different from the my usual ones. Since my eyes are large, I don’t like them too much dark colors on them, but I loved this look. When it comes to hairstyle, I definitely vote for curls and volume versus straight hair stuck together, so if you have not already, u must try this look!
Makeup tricks for All Kinds of Eyes 😛
Small eyes: Don’t use too much shadow or liner – it will make your eyes look smaller.
Apply a light color on eyelid, use a darker color in the crease and use a highlighter under the brow.
Apply a light color on eyelid, use a darker color in the crease and use a highlighter under the brow.
Large eyes: Wear darker shadow on the lid and extend it to the crease.
Use a flat color under the brow to highlight.
Lining your inner lids with black or brown eye pencil.
Line both the top and the bottom.
Deep-set eyes: Use light colors on the eyelid and under the brow.
Use a medium color in the crease.
Emphasize the outer corners with shadow.
Wide-set eyes: Use darker colors on the inner corners of the eye.
Hooded eyes: Apply light colors on the lid.
Use darker colors from the center of the eyelid to the outer corners and blend.
Use darker colors from the center of the eyelid to the outer corners and blend.
Round eyes: Make round eyes longer by using color all around and extending toward the outer corners.
Oriental eyes: Apply highlighter under the brow.
Use light shadow on the inner half of the lid and a darker color on the outer half.
Marina Milosevic says
Bas ti lepo istakne oci sminka!
Sanzibell says
beautiful makeup ♥
Veronica Popoiacu says
i love the makeup is a strong one but the most i am impress is the curls!!! i never can’t have it !!! i need to try harder 🙂
great post dear !
Dubravka Dodig says
super je šminka! 🙂
Venoma says
Prelepa <3
A. says
Super je! Jedno pitanjce: Koju kameru koristiš? 🙂
Stasha says
Thanks girls!
@A. Nikon D7000!:)
sugarhoneybaby says
Fenomenalno su ti nasminkane oci.Ja volim kad je na njima naglasak:)
Just Cake Girl says
divna <3
Nevena R says
Svidja mi se 🙂
dictionary_of_fashion says
Svratih na tvoj blog da se oraspolozim, jer uvek imas dobre fotke…
A ovaj look je za 10-ku! Oci su prelepe…moram jednom probati tako da se nasminkam. :)) xx
elena nikolaevna says
wow! i ja obozavam kada me profi shmikaju,i onda gledam tu drugu lepu zenu,jer se inace ne sminkam,obozavam te transformacije….
Slavica | Pickpocket says
Divna ti je šminka!;)
Branislava says
jedva cekam nastavak! sjajan make-up!:)))
Maya says
Oci su ti predivne, a i sminka je odlicna! 🙂
Vanja Milicevic says
super ti stoji! 🙂
Jelena K. says
u poslednje vreme sam u tom taboru
lokne, lokne i samo lokne :))
fashioncookie says
i ja imam krupne oči tako da ti savjeti baš dobro dođu,tvoje su super našminkane 😉
Natasa says
Antigona's Orchid says
Prelepa je sminka i frizura. Bas ti lepo stoji 😀
Marija - This is a fashion blog! says
Divno izgledas! 🙂 Lepo ti stoji make up, sto je super jer ja npr imam sitne oci i ne stoji mi kad stavim puno senke ili smokey eyes fazon 😛
Jedva cekam da vidim sta je bio povod :)))
bonjour.....JR says
Jovana Miljanović says
Odlicna je sminka, svidja mi se, bez obzira sto je jaka 🙂
Super ti stoji, nije za svaki dan, ali je sjajna 🙂
Jasna says
Apsolutno lepa! 🙂
babylovesfashion says
bas lijepo,ja si obozavam i sebi i drugima istaknuti oci sve ostalo neutralno,samo nijanse i nacine mijenjam tako da mi je ovo pun pohodak.a imas i lijepe usne.koja je sminka koristena?
MiMi says
I’m a make-up artist and I’ve been practicing these techniques for a while noe
Great post
MiMi xx
Make-up Overdose
Gear says
wow, odličan make up :))
Marina says
lepoto! 🙂
Rapuncela says
I think, that Your make up is gorgeous 🙂 You look beautiful :*
a story about M says
odlican makeup. lepo ti stoji 🙂
Anja says
preprelepa! <3
Passion for fashion says
Divno izgledaš, baš ti lepo stoji kad naglasiš oči!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gypsy Gardens says
ma daj, tebi sve lijepo stoji 😛