Ove fotografije su uvod u Amunet kolekciju haljina namenjenim ženama i devojkama koje vole da budu upečatljive i originalne, a u isto vreme vole trendove i osećaju se dobro u onome što nose. Linija je dobila ime po Egipatskoj boginji čije ime znači “skrivena” .
Here is a sneak peek into Amunet dresses, thet were made by my friend Tanja and me. Amunet dress collection is dedicated to women and girls who like to be striking and original, love trends and feel good in what they wear.
The name of the line is inspired by the Egyptian Goddess.
Amunet was a primordial goddess, the female form of the greater god Amun. Her name, meaning “the female hidden one”, was simply the feminine form of Amun’s own name.
photos by: http://www.jereminovdragan.com/
makeup by: https://www.facebook.com/ananikolicsminkanje?ref=br_tf
dresses: Amunet (pre-order via email: anastasija.milojevic@yahoo.com)
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