Čuvena teksas na teksas kombinacija ne jenjava sa popularnošću, pa je tako Jennifer Lopez nedavno prošetala u sličnom outfitu i mene inspirisala da napravim jesenje izdanje meni omiljene kombinacije – teksas košulje i teksas farmerki. Na blogu ste imali prilike da vidite letnju kombinaciju sa svetlijim teksasom i suknjom, kao i zimski teksas na teksas outfit, a ovoga puta tu je prolećno – jesenja varijanta. 🙂 Ono što najviše volim kod ove kombinacije je to što sa njom nema greške, ide uz skoro sve vrste obuće, a uz kaput preko postaje zimska, tako da je idealna za sva godišnja doba. Bitno je samo naći odgovarajući model farmerica i uklopiti nijanse sa košuljom.
Highly Contagious Denim on Denim Virus is still on, and Jennifer Lopez recently rocked this look. She was my inspiration, so I made the autumn edition of my favorite denim on denim outfit.
On the stashafashion blog you had a chance to see a summer version of this trend with lighter denim and skirt, and winter denim on denim outfit, and now here’s is a spring – autumn version. 🙂 What I love most about this kind of outfit is that there is no mistake when yoi go for it, it goes well with almost all types of footwear, with a coat over it becomes winter ootd, so it is ideal for all seasons. The important thing is to find a suitable model of jeans that fit you and the same shade of denim on the shirt.
I was wearing:
shoes: Jimmy Choo
jeans: Zara
shirt: Primark
necklace: F21
sunnies: Ray Ban
P.S. Recently I saw there very pretty trousers, see them here: http://www.bonprixshop.eu/kategoria/374/nohavice
Photos by Natasha
ivanasworld says
volim denim u svim kombinacijama 🙂
MiaBlogovic says
Odlican stajlhttp://lamiastoria018.blogspot.com/issss postic 🙂
s says
Proveri naslov…..