Nakon Varadera, vreme je za nešto što sam jako dugo čekala. Ni sve slike i snimci koje sam videla pre toga, pa čak ni neverovatni prizori kroz prozor aviona nisu mogli da me pripreme. Nikada neću zaboraviti osećaj kada sam prilazila prvoj plaži na ostrvu Cayo Largo. Naježila sam se od neverovatno prelepog prizora, koji nijedna slika ne može verodostojno dočarati. Playa Paraiso je zaista raj na zemlji. Definitivno najlepša plaža na kojoj sam ikada bila.
Na kraju dana opuštali smo se u bazenu hotela Sol, koji je definitivno najlepši hotel na ostrvu.
After Varadero, it’s time for something I’ve really been waiting for a long time. Nothing could prepare me for it… Not even all the photos and videos I’ve seen, not even the incredible sights through the plane window. I will never forget the feeling when I first approached the beach on the Cayo Largo island. I got the chills from the beauty and incredibly beautiful sea, which no photo can’t credibly describe. Playa Paraiso is truly a paradise on earth. Definitely the most beautiful beaches that I’ve ever seen.
At the end of the day we were relaxing in the pool of the hotel Sol, which is definitely the nicest hotel on the island.
I was wearing:
bikinis: Victoria’s Secret
sunnies: Parfois
hat: H&M
savrseno 🙂 preko koje agencije si isla na Kubu?
U sopstvenoj reziji uvek putujem.:)